Live Together, Die Alone

Lord knows I’m not the biggest J.J. Abrams fan, and I’ve been — and continue to be — a critic of Lost. Yet I still can’t help but get a little tingly at the thought of the upcoming season. That’s right! Just two weeks and counting till Mitt Romney’s Favorite Show returns!

Right now, thanks to the WGA strike, only eight of the planned 16 season-four episodes have been scripted and filmed, but, fingers crossed, maybe the announcement of the DGA deal with the studios will jump start the WGA’s negotiations. Hell, if I were a WGA member, I’d want to settle just so I could find out what Abrams and Lindelof have cooked up. Forget multimedia royalties, fair deals, or (ha!) making a living; I want to know how Jack and Kate get off the island!

If I supported the drug war, I’d seriously consider arguing that this show is some sort of addictive substance. Certainly, businesses should be wary of its effect on productivity. A friend of mine recently spent the entire weekend watching the show, finding herself so powerless to pull away that she stayed up all night before work Monday — and continued to share (some very, very convincing) theories about it throughout the day.

Ain’t It Cool has some tantalizing — if inconclusive (really, what’d you expect?) — spoilers. And there’s a trailer!

Somehow, I suspect that once the revelations come, the show will, for many viewers, result in pretty much the same disoncerted reaction that Tom Cruise had when he found out that Scientology was just a bunch of silly sci-fi mumbo jumbo. On the other hand, if you think I’m not going to watch the show, you’re even more out of your mind than Cruise clearly is.