Black Kids and White Kids

In light of the release of Black Kids’ debut LP Partie Traumatic, a solid B album according to the tough-but-fair critics at The A.V. Club, I was thinking about the fact that the band started in a Baptist Church (via WSJ).

The three founding members — singer Reggie Youngblood, drummer Kevin Snow and Mr. Holmes — first started playing music together in the late 1990s after meeting in the baptist church they attended. The three went on to play in various bands, sometimes together, sometimes separately, but they all grew indifferent to the ska and other music styles they were playing.

One of those styles, according to the Journal, was “Christian punk.” We think of Sunday morning as “the most segregated hour in America,” yet I wonder if that’s still true — after all, every other hour is really, really segregated, and my sense is that evangelicals have been making progress in breaking down racial barriers. This has straightforward implications for Christian-inflected popular music. Of course, you have to wonder — what constitutes “Christian music,” given that so much “mainstream” popular music contains powerful religious themes?

Anyway, I’m clearly clueless on this front. Fortunately, we have Patrol Magazine, the brainchild of ex-_Slate_ intern David Sessions, to help sort out the confusion. Patrol, please publish a smart, informed piece about race, popular music, Christianity, authenticity, and the hype machine. And Black Kids.