
Things one might say about Barack Obama that would be coded racial messages:

1) He’s eloquent (because black people are big talkers, always rappin’ and signifyin’ and that kind of thing);

2) He’s inexperienced (a clear reference to America’s long history of interfering black people’s right to vote, which, while it was grossly unjust, also has had the effect of preventing them from having a lot of experience in governance and therefore being ready for the Highest Office in the Land);

3) He’s from Hawaii (because Hawaii is a long way off and kind of strange and largely unknown to the average white American, and black people are also a long way off and kind of strange and largely unknown to the average white American);

4) He’s tall (three letters: NBA);

5) He attended Harvard (because thanks to affirmative action we all know that Ivy League schools are populated almost exclusively by minorities);

6) He’s a lawyer (because lawyers, like black people, are all about jobbing the system to get what’s not rightfully theirs and not having to work for it either).