Movies Which Are About the Freedom

Via Jonathan Last, excerpts from Freedom&’s Movies Which Are About the Freedom:

Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem:

The first Aliens vs. Predator film had a tagline that said, “Whoever wins, we lose.” Normally advertising for Hollywood films does not understand its own freedomic grounding, but this tagline gets to the heart of the matter. In fact, neither Ed Crane nor Nick Gillespie could have said it better himself.

What this tagline tells us is simple: These movies are about being a libertarian in the two-party system.

The aliens are the Democrats, acid-blooded collectivist killing machines whose only concern is equality. The Predators are highly individualistic hunters with amazing guns. In other words, Republicans.

Sweeney Todd:The Demon Barber of Fleet Street:

Sweeney Todd, played with soul-mesmerizing uniqueness by Johnny Depp, who you may remember from Pirates of the Caribbean (a movie which hailed the life of pirates for its freedomic spirit), is basically just a businessman. If you watch Larry Kudlow TV, as you probably do, or read bloggings by The Club for Growth – or as we say it, “The Club” – you will know that business is an important part of The Freedom, because it is the part that makes money.

Todd gets screwed over by Judge Turpin (Alan Rickman, who you can tell is a socialist, because of his Euroish accent), who is essentially a representative of the state, which we, having read David Friedman’s The Machinery of Freedom know that we do not even need at all. (You can tell David is a powerful advocate for The Freedom because it is in his book title, and he compares it to a machine, like the automobile, or the machine gun, which are both also highly related to The Freedom.)

Naturally, Todd seeks revenge on the Judge, which symbolizes lashing out against the oppressive power of the state, as we all do.

During that time, though, he becomes an entrepreneur with the meat pie maker below his shop. They kill homeless people and serve them up in meat pies. Many throats are sliced, which is known as “creative destruction.”