It's Like The Skulls, But More Boring

Julian Sanchez has a lengthy, comprehensive response to the legions of Ron Paul supporters who’ve attacked him for the piece he co-authored with Dave Wiegel naming Lew Rockwell as the author of the newsletters that Jamie Kirchick dug up for The New Republic.

But what I really like is his short follow up, in which he (gasp!) admits that, yes, he has exchanged an email or two with Kirchick regarding the story.

Yes, gentle reader, it’s true. Often reporters in the same city—even reporters who have quite different political views—will be at least passing acquaintances, and give each other heads-ups on stories that are about to appear that might be relevant to the other’s work. It’s a shadowy network so far ranging that you’ll notice that it actually reveals itself even in the coverage of stories having nothing to do with Ron Paul. Spooky, no?

I often get the sense that there’s a perception that Beltway journalists and ideological advocates of various stripes are literally at war with the opposition, as if when a National Review writer runs into someone from Mother Jones at a bar, they text their gangs for backup, whip out knives, and start circling each other in low, crouched stances. But while there are certainly personal rivalries and squabbles, and it’s fairly typical to see someone with a friend circle weighted toward folks who espouse similar ideologies, there’s also a fair bit of comity in Washington. It’s not like West Side Story, or the WWF (though I could certainly support the creation of No, perhaps sadly, the various ideological divisions are generally not analogous to the Crips and the Bloods, although I do recall overhearing a story (which I can’t at all confirm, but hey, this is the blogosphere) about The Weekly Standard staff taking on the folks from The American Prospect in a paintball game. Brutal!