99...I've Been Waiting So Long

I know a lot of people like Steve Carell. I know they like him like, “If you don’t like Steve Carell, your cognitive apparatus is damaged.” But not so long ago I voiced deep skepticism over his ability to do justice to Get Smart, and now here comes Ross with the trailer, shockingly — or is that not so shockingly — short on thrills or laughs. All Carell’s needless, unnatural tics are on display: the awkward shouting, the mopey self-laceration, it’s all very blah, baby, and I’m not having it. I’ll admit he looks the part. It’s not his fault The Rock is seated at that table, and I’m sure he didn’t write that script, but his creative mitts are all over his scenes, and they make the film look like a stinker. You may commence flaming now.