Chocolate Reihan

You’ve heard Chocolate Rain. But are you ready for Chocolate Reihan? I dare you to watch this video. It will scar your mind and that of a whole generation.

The lyrics are below.

Doo-doo-toot-doo-doot-too-doo-doot-doo-da-doo, too-do-doot-doot, da-doo, scoot-toot-a-loot

Chocolate Reihan!
I like it with nougat and caramel

Chocolate Reihan!
He’s got a creamy center (like bunnies)

Chocolate Reihan
Wrap him in tinfoil, you’ve got Hanukkah gelt

Chocolate Reihan
Goes directly to your hips and thighs (it’s bad)

Chocolate Reihan
Spread me on some toast — I swear, it’s great