I Want to Keep the Crazies Inside the Tent - and Pissing on the Sleeping Bags

I don’t have a post to go with it yet, but it’s a great title, don’t you think?

UPDATE: Ok, here’s a short post.

Usually, the debate is about do you want him outside the tent pissing in versus inside the tent pissing out. Either way, the kind of guy we’re talking about is the kind of guy who can’t hold it for a few minutes to go behind a tree.

In real life, there’s no way you’re going to let a guy like that anywhere near your tent, no matter which way he’s inclined to piss. So, this metaphor is not to be taken too literally.

Now that we’re not taking it too literally, here’s my thinking. There’s a great deal of craziness in the world. A surprising percentage of the people who give any kind of a damn about politics believe some seriously crazy things. Plenty of my people in my own family believe things that are pretty crazy. I’ve believed a few things that are pretty crazy in my time – and I think I’m really quite sane.

Precisely because I’m a naturally cautious and centrist type of person, and precisely because I do tend to measure the reasonableness of opinion in part by what kind of people find it credible, I don’t want the crazies to all be sent off to their own corners where they only have each other for company, work each other up into ever-greater heights of craziness, and become a perpetual threat to the “normal” political system. That’s the situation in a number of European parliamentary democracies, and I don’t think it’s politically wise or healthy.

By the same token, I don’t want to try to manipulate them into training their craziness exclusively on the other “team” – which is what I take to be the point about having them inside pissing out. Ultimately, that makes you beholden to the crazies, and there may come a point where you can’t tell the difference between them and you.

If they are inside, pissing on the sleeping bag, you aren’t going to get any sleep, you aren’t going to forget they are there, and you aren’t going to forget they are crazy. But you’re going to know where they are and what they are up to, and they are going to be warm and dry. (Warmer and drier than your sleeping bag, anyway.)

I don’t want to anybody thrown out of the GOP because they believe insane things about the President – and, by the same token, I don’t want the President to feel obliged to fire a guy who spent his career hobnobbing with nutters in San Francisco.

I want them inside the tent, pissing on the sleeping bags, so the sane people who are also inside the tent will yell at them to STOP PISSING ON THE SLEEPING BAGS!

If that makes any sense.