Should We Auction Off Visas? And Miscellany...

Noah Millman and Dayo Olopade discuss:

The whole diavlog is worth watching. In other multimedia news, I did the “news wrap up” segment on Saturday’s All Things Considered, today I made the case against Arizona’s immigration law in The Atlantic (where I also make the case against LA’s boycott), and just now I got an e-mail from my old friends at the Human Events advertising department.

Dear Friend,
Deep in the jungles of West Africa, there are places where obesity is completely unknown.
The natives don’t get fat.
A professor doing population studies discovered this curious fact. After watching this group and comparing them to others, he found something unique about their diet:
The locals use a paste derived from the seed of a “bush mango” to thicken their soups.
This professor, an expert in nutritional biochemistry at the University in nearby Cameroon, created an extract of this seed and ran his own tests.
After 10 weeks, the people taking this extract lost an average of 28 pounds and lost 6 inches around their waist.
The results were published in a national, peer-reviewed medical journal.
FOX News picked up the story from Reuters when the study hit the media last year.
Along with a healthy diet and regular exercise, you can use this very same natural extract to help lose unwanted fat.

What I love about this e-mail, aside from the idea that a lack of obesity in the West African jungle requires a miracle weight loss drug to explain it, is the doctor’s explanation of how he tested what he is peddling.

My name is Dr. Al Sears, MD.
When I first read this study, I immediately had the extract shipped to my clinic.
Of course, this was only one study. I needed more evidence. I wanted to see it in action. So I followed up with more research at my own Wellness Research Foundation.
My patients and volunteers were stunned. After four weeks into the program, we started getting remarkable results: Penny McLean, who works in my office, dropped two dress sizes by using this West African extract along with her regular diet and exercise routine.
Word spread fast, and the other women in my office started taking it. Soon I started hearing things like, “My pants are too big…” and “I got into a pair of jeans I haven’t worn in years…”
I tried it myself, and it worked. My belly started slimming down. It felt tighter. I simply continued to eat a healthy diet and exercise as I always do. But what a difference!
That’s When I Knew We Were on to Something Big
At the next meeting with my Foundation staff, we sat around the conference table and discussed how to advise our patients about this new breakthrough.
Then I put the question to them:
“How can we make this even better?”
Our senior researcher put his hand on a stack of files he’d been working on, and pushed them toward the center of the table.
“Undaria pinnatifida.”
The seaweed extract my colleague was referring to easily reduces your appetite.
It made immediate sense to everyone.

And where, really, would modern medicine be without gals in the office ingesting unfamiliar herbs from West Africa, concluding that they’re ostensibly weight loss breakthroughs, and peddling them through the channel most people would use if they had a safe product that helped people to shed weight without exercising: the Human Events e-mail list.

Primal Lean has turned my practice upside down. I have trouble keeping it in stock. And when I get a new shipment, it disappears. My patients are snapping it up just in case we run out again.
My staff too. I have to limit the number of bottles they take home.
But I have good news…
I just secured a new supplier, and that’s why I’m writing to you today.
Just keep in mind… it takes 8 to 10 weeks before you feel the whole effect. Sure, you may feel something before that, especially the calming of your appetite.
But in the spirit of full disclosure, I want you to understand that it takes weeks to really kick in.

Thank God for Human Events and Eagle Publishing. A regular publisher might send out any old advertisement under its masthead, but here are people whose deep loyalty to the conservative rank and file causes them to send only “opportunities we believe you as a valued customer may want to know about” from vendors who operate in a “spirit of full disclosure” so exacting that they’re willing to disclose even the fact that it may require buying their product for longer than you might expect before it starts working.

Kudos to Tom Phillips for continuing to run a media company that doesn’t treat its conservative audience like a bunch of gullible idiots.