Recent Reviews: Big Talk, No Sleep

- The verbal gymnastics on display in David Ives’s School For Lies are an absolute delight.

- Those on display in Tony Kushner’s Intelligent Homosexual’s Guide to Capitalism and Socialism With a Key to the Scriptures, not so much.

- Derek Jacobi plays the fool in King Lear.

- And a three-fer! Reviews of three recent productions of Macbeth, done straight by Theatre For a New Audience, expectations-confoundingly by Cheek by Jowl, and as an audience-participatory site-specific noir fantasia by Punchdrunk. (And that last one you can still go see – and should!)

As well, some more ruminations on adapting Shakespeare for the screen and idle speculation on possibilities for the next Artistic Director at the Stratford Shakespeare Festival (not really speculation actually; I’m talking more about what I’d like to see than about who).

Come on by and check it all out!